We are leaders in specializing in ultrasound services.

With a solid track record of more than 25 years. Our focus is on sexing services and determining the internal health condition of fish.

Pioneers with experience, quality service, good results, and performance, backed by highly trained personnel.

We are a reference

Our operation is direct and face-to-face, always providing personalized service tailored to each client and its needs. This customized approach enhances our clients’ perception of us as a trustworthy partner in the industry, capable of adapting to their needs and committed to environmental stewardship.

  • Pioneers and developers in the application of ultrasound echographies in salmonids.
  • Direct collaborators in reducing the use of antibiotics.
  • Working in projects of R&D with producers.
  • Broodstock and farming consultancy.

Our team

Jaime Stange


Pablo Sanhueza

Commercial Manager

Mario Lopez

Operations & Technical Support Manage

Miguel Godoy

Human Resources Manager

Hector López

Broodstock Manager.